Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Beate Brand-Saberi
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Anatomie
Abteilung für Anatomie und Molekulare Embryologie
- Tel: +49 (0)234 32 24556
- Fax: +49 (0)234 32 14474

The research interests of my group are in the field of developmental biology. We study cell migration, determination and differentiation of mesodermal cells, in particular of precursor cells of skeletal muscle, as well as the physiology of stem cells. Analyses are performed using chicken, zebrafish, mice and human cells.
We address questions of intercellular signalling, epigenetic control of gene expression and the activation and function of bHLH transcription factors in cell type specification.
Methods: in ovo electroporation, shRNA, In-situ-hybridization, immuno- histochemistry, confocal microscopy, live imaging, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, PCR, Western Blot, Microinjection
- Cell migration during development
- Dermis development
- Eye development
- Kidney development
- Stem cell niches in development
Reviewer activities
Academy of Science, Finland
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
Association Francaise contre les Myopathies (AFM)
Czech Science Foundation
German Research Foundation
European Research Council (ERC)
DFG Review Board for Developmental Biology
German-Israeli Foundation (GIF)
National Science Foundation U.S.A.
Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture
The Wellcome Trust
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
QRDI Council
EU Framework Programs
United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Since 2017 peer reviewer for the accreditation of international degree programs (B.Sc., M.Sc.) in natural sciences, human medicine and dentistry, ASIIN and AQ Vienna
Peer reviewer for the following journals
Anatomy and Embryology, Annals of Anatomy, Anatomical Record, Cells, Biology, BMC Developmental Biology, Cell and Tissue Research, Cells Tissues Organs, Development, Developmental Cell, Developmental Biology, Developmental Dynamics, Development Genes and Evolution, Differentiation, Experimental Brain Research, International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of Histochemistry, Journal of Anatomy, Histochemistry and Cell Biology, Mechanisms of Development, Nature Genetics, Science Advances and others.
Associate Editor for the following journals
BMC Developmental Biology, Annals of Anatomy, Cells Tissues Organs, Histochemistry and Cell Biology; Scientific Reports; Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Topic Editor
Frontiers in Immunology: Chemokine Receptors in Cell Proliferation and Tissue Regeneration; Biology: Molecular Regulation during Embryo Development
Specialty Chief Editor
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology: Embryonic Development
- MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston
- UT Southwestern in Dallas
- Stowers Institute in Kansas City
- Aarhus University, Denmark
- Fudan University (Shanghai)
- Shanghai JiaoTong University
- Lanzhou University
- Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Institut Cochin, Paris
- Universite Marie et Pierre Curie
Academic Activities and Awards
- DAAD scholarship, University of Southampton, England
- Offer of professorship (C3) for Anatomy Martin Luther University in Halle/ Wittenberg, Germany
- Research visit MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, USA
- Research stay University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, USA
- Visiting Professorship Department of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, China
- Offer of Professorship at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- Visiting Professorship Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
- Dean of Studies for Preclinical Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg
- Representative of the Rector for China contacts, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
- Research award for the replacement and supplementation of animal experiments from the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, Baden-Württemberg
- Member of the Structural Commission of the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg
- Offer of Professorship W3 for Anatomy from the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf
- Honorary Doctorate of Apollonia University Iasi, Romania
- Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Medicine of the RUB
- Head of the Master Program Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology at the RUB (since 2011)
- Head of the Master’s program Stem Cell Medicine, Academy of RUB (since 2022)
- Implementation of the double degree program (M.Sc.) with Jinan University
- 2019 – 2021 Executive Director of the Institute of Anatomy, RUB
- 2015-2022 Expert for Examination Questions in Anatomy at the IMPP
- 2018 Research Award of the German Duchenne Foundation
- 2017-2020 Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Medicine RUB
- since 2020 Member of the Medical Commission of the Contergan Foundation
- since 2023 Member of the Control and Review Commission of the IMPP
Selected Publications
Brendel M, Scharf M, Kindler U, Divvela SSK, Brand-Saberi B. Biology (Basel). 2023 Sep 19;12(9):1252. doi: 10.3390/biology12091252. PMID: 37759651 Detection of Math6-Expressing Cell Types in Murine Placenta.
Gellisch M, Schäfer T, Yahya I, Joswig M, Cheng X, Morosan-Puopolo G, Brand-Saberi B. Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ. 2023 Aug 12;13(8):1491-1504. doi: 10.3390/ejihpe13080109. PMID: 37623306 Rethinking Learning Experience: How Generally Perceived Life Stress Influences Students’ Course Perceptions in Different Learning Environments.
Gellisch M, Bablok M, Morosan-Puopolo G, Schäfer T, Brand-Saberi B. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 May 26;11(11):1558. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11111558. PMID: 37297698 Dynamically Changing Mental Stress Parameters of First-Year Medical Students over the Three-Year Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study.
Bablok M, Gellisch M, Scharf M, Brand-Saberi B, Morosan-Puopolo G. Ann Anat. 2023 Apr;247:152056. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152056. Epub 2023 Jan 22. PMID: 36696929 Spatiotemporal expression pattern of the chicken glucocorticoid receptor during early embryonic development.
Gellisch M, Bablok M, Divvela SSK, Morosan-Puopolo G, Brand-Saberi B. Biology. 2023; 12(5):656. Systemic Prenatal Stress Exposure through Corticosterone Application Adversely Affects Avian Embryonic Skin Development.
Yahya I, Brand-Saberi B, Morosan-Puopolo G. Heliyon. 2023 Mar 3;9(3):e14230. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14230. PMID: 36923876; PMCID: PMC10009738. Chicken embryo as a model in second heart field development.
Bablok M, Gellisch M, Scharf M, Brand-Saberi B, Morosan-Puopolo G. Ann Anat. 2023 Jan 22;247:152056. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152056. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36696929 Spatiotemporal expression pattern of the chicken glucocorticoid receptor during early embryonic development.
Gellisch, M., Wolf, O. T., Minkley, N., Kirchner, W. H., Brüne, M., & Brand-Saberi, B. (2022). Decreased sympathetic cardiovascular influences and hormone-physiological changes in response to Covid-19-related adaptations under different learning environments. Anatomical sciences education, 15(5), 811–826.
Gellisch, M., Morosan-Puopolo, G., Wolf, O. T., Moser, D. A., Zaehres, H., & Brand-Saberi, B. (2023). Interactive teaching enhances students’ physiological arousal during online learning. Annals of anatomy = Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, 247, 152050. Advance online publication.
Satya Srirama Karthik Divvela, Patrick Nell, Markus Napirei, Holm Zaehres, Jiayu Chen, Wanda Maria Gerding, Huu Phuc Nguyen, Shaorong Gao and Beate Brand-Saberi (2019). bHLH Transcription Factor Math6 Antagonizes TGF- β Signalling in Reprogramming, Pluripotency and Early Cell Fate Decisions. Cells 8, 529.
Böing M, Brand-Saberi B, Napirei M. (2018). Murine transcription factor Math6 is a regulator of placenta development. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8(1), 14997.
Chen A, Li J, Song L, Ji C, Böing M, Chen J, Brand-Saberi B (2017). GGNBP2 is necessary for testis morphology and sperm development. Scientific Reports 7, Article Number: 2998.
Brand-Saberi B, Zaehres H (2016). The development of anatomy: from macroscopic body dissections to stem cell-derived organoids. Histochem Cell Biol. 146 (6), 647-650.
Wang B, Balakrishnan-Renuka A, Napirei M, Theiss C, Brand-Saberi B (2015). Spatiotemporal expression of Math6 during mouse embryonic development. Histochem Cell Biol. 143 (6), 575-582.
Mazur AJ, Morosan-Puopolo G, Makowiecka A, Malicka-Błaszkiewicz M, Nowak D, Brand-Saberi B (2014). Analysis of gelsolin expression pattern in developing chicken embryo reveals high GSN expression level in tissues of neural crest origin. Brain Struct Funct. Doi: 10.1007/s00429-014-0923-5 [Epub ahead of print]
Lever M, Brand-Saberi B, Theiss C. (2014). Neurogenesis, gliogenesis and the developing chicken optic tectum: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Brain Structure and Function 219 (3), 1009-1024.
Morosan-Puopolo G, Balakrishnan-Renuka A, Yusuf F, Chen J, Dai F, Zoidl G, Lüdtke THW, Kispert A, Theiss C, Abdelsabour-Khalaf M, Brand-Saberi B. (2014). Wnt11 Is Required for Oriented Migration of Dermogenic Progenitor Cells from the Dorsomedial Lip of the Avian Dermomyotome. PLOS ONE 9(3): e92679
Pu Q, Abduelmula A, Masyuk M, Theiss C, Schwandulla D, Hans M, Patel K, Brand-Saberi B, Huang R. (2013). The dermomyotome ventrolateral lip is essential for the hypaxial myotome formation. BMC Developmental Biology, 13:37.
Chen J, Dai F, Balakrishnan-Renuka A, Leese F, Schempp W, Schaller F, Hoffmann MM, Morosan-Puopolo G, Yusuf F, Bisschoff IJ, Chankiewitz V, Xue J, Chen J, Ying K, Brand-Saberi, B. (2011) Diversification and molecular evolution of ATOH8, a gene encoding a bHLH transcription factor. PLoS One 6(8):e23005
Rehimi, R., Khalida, N., Yusuf, F., Morosan-Puopolo, G., Brand-Saberi, B. (2010) A novel role of CXCR4 and SDF-1 during migration of cloacal muscle precursors. Dev. Dyn. 239(6):1622-31
Chen,J., Morosan-Puopolo, G., Dai, F. Wang, J., Brand-Saberi, B. (2010) Molecular cloning of chicken Cecr2 and its expression during chicken embryo development. Int.J. Dev Biol. 54(5):925-9
Bonnet A, Dai FP, Brand-Saberi B, Duprez D (2009) Vestigial-like 2 acts downstream of MyoD activation and is associated with skeletal muscle differentiation in chick myogenesis. Mech. Dev. 127(1-2):120-36
Hausott B; Vallant N, Yang L, Dai FP, Brand-Saberi B, Klimaschewski L (2009) Sprouty2 down-regulation promotes peripheral axon regeneration by adult sensory neurons in vitro. MCN 42(4):328-40
Zhao W., Dai F., Bonafede A., Schäfer S., Jung M., Gamel A.J.,Yusuf F., Wang J., Brand-Saberi B. (2009) Histone deacetylase inhibitor, Trichostatin A, affects gene expression patterns during morphogenesis of chick limb buds in vivo. Cells Tissues Organs 190:121-134
Vasyutina, E., Stebler, J., Brand-Saberi, B., Schulz, S., Raz, E., Birchmeier C. (2005) CXCR4 and Gab1 co-operate to control the development of migrating muscle progenitor cells. Genes and Development 19: 2187-2198.
Dai, F.P., Yusuf, F., Farjah, G.H., Brand-Saberi, B. (2005) pEGFP-vector based RNA interference for in vivo gene functional analysis in chicken embryos. Dev. Biol. 285: 80-90
Yusuf, F., Rehimi, R., Dai, F.P., Brand-Saberi, B. (2005) The expression pattern of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in chick embryo development. Anat. Embryol. 210:35-41
Hornik, C., Krishan, K., Yusuf, F., Scaal, M., Brand-Saberi, B. (2005) cDermo-1 misexpression induces dense dermis, feathers and scales. Dev. Biol. 277:42-50